Friday, June 22, 2012

create android apps

Introducing MoSync Reload - native mobile app development using HTML5/JavaScript

Web developers can now easily create apps for all the major platforms in one go, with access to all the advanced features of modern smartphones. Creating compelling apps that work offline and can make use of camera, contacts, location, advanced graphics and much more a has never been easier and faster! 

With MoSync Reload, you develop native apps for iOS, Android and Windows Phone 7 using familiar HTML5/JavaScript technologies, and you can see the effect of your changes instantly on multiple devices, comfortably developing on your desktop platform of choice.

Develop in three easy steps:
Use your favorite editor to create app for iOS, Android and Windows Phone in HTML5
Edit your code
Edit your code using your favorite text editor or IDE, using familiar web HTML, JavaScript and CSS.
transfer your app to your device instantly by just one click
Hit Reload
Instantly transfer your updated code and resources to any number of devices and simulators.
See how you app behaves on multiple devices (iOs, Android, and Windows Phone) at the same time.
See how your application looks and behaves on iOS, Android and Windows Phone7.

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